Baby Ace KC Lifestyle Newborn Session

Love is the pitter patter of little feet running across floors early in the morning. Love is middle of the night feedings and snuggles filled with lullabies and kisses. Love is laundry piled high and airplanes and dolls scattered galore. Love is a brother’s kiss and a little sister’s soft embrace. Love is the tender look of a child’s adoration, given when you feel you least deserve it. Love is what we long to fill our hearts when nothing else will. Love is sacrifice with a reward that reaches into eternity. Love is everything. Meet sweet baby Ace.


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ashlee tollett 30a photographer


Welcome to my blog where I love to showcase my latest work.  As an artist and portrait historian, my goal is that each session depicts the warmth, love and light reflected in my subjects.  All sessions take place in natural light, whether it's the golden hour over the gulf or the soft glow of an early dawn, its my personal goal to find each client the best and most ideal conditions for their photographs.

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ashlee brooke photography 30a photographer

Natural light 30a photographer