Easter 2016

“For the joy set before Him…”


These three.  These three have shaped my strengths, my weaknesses and my heart over the last seven years.  What blessing is more full, more overflowing than what children bring to life?  If only to push pause on these days and remember forever these fleeting snapshots of our life; our children; our family.



My first, born my eldest daughter I will forever remember this season in your life. Your never ending gymnastics routines you put on for your family; cartwheels and walk overs abounding to Taylor Swift songs playing in the background greet me daily.  Amidst piles of chapter books in your room, I learn more and more about your passions and hidden talents and dreams.


In that world lay stacks of books you have authored, paintings drawn; you continue to mature and grow into a lady, already older and wiser than your years.  Such a little mama you are, carrying your six month old sister on your hip as though you was born to mother and one day I know you will embrace that role.  Self reliant and independent, no doubt you will someday shape and change this world in ways that only your Lord knows.  I wait and watch with both excitement and sorrow at how effortlessly time moves ahead.



My sweet son.  You leave trails of your love, adventurous spirit and boyhood throughout the house.  Legos, pirate maps, airplanes, football helmets and drawings of Jesus.  Your hugs fill my heart every morning and your gentleness towards your baby sister makes my soul smile.  


You say you never want to leave home when you grow up; I can assure you that you will change your mind as the little ladies in preschool are already taken in by your charm and tenderness.  Your deep blue eyes reveal so much about your own growing heart.  You care deeply about things in this life and world that most adults are stale and unmoved by. You are quickly growing into a little boy that will one day touch many lives with your compassion and gift of design and building.  Next year kindergarten awaits you and it hardly seems real that five years has so furiously pressed ahead.  You will always have a dear place in my heart.




Precious last born, and baby of our family.  How I prayed for you and your little life to become a part of our home.  Waiting and longing, you arrived with so much joy and anticipation.  


Your big blue eyes and rounded cheeks remind us to stop; slow down and to breath in the joy of babyhood.  A miracle you are indeed.  Your giggles and attachment to us all, is a wonderful blessing.  You can’t wait to be on the move, so that you won’t miss a moment of play, story time, and wonder in this life.  Your taken in by the beauty and glory of nature; the blades of grass you sit on, birds flying by on a walk, and the invisible wind that blows in your face.  You too, will be strong and independent, but until then won’t you stay little for awhile longer? 

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“Endured the cross, scorning it’s shame…And is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”   


Some days are longer, weary and harder than others.  The pace of life increases and yet I wish for it to bend it’s pace to a lull so I won’t miss the details at hand. Being a mom has taken the greatest reserves of energy, patience and love I could have ever imagined.  I am not perfect and daily I fail to often respond the right ways, speak the correct truth to your little hearts, and remain steadfast in unselfish love.



Tender shoots you are, I pour out what I can and may upon you, fervently praying that your growth will continue to move you up and beyond the staleness of this world and it’s darkness.  


Never have I realized how much grace is required on this voyage of parenthood, until I attempt to navigate the waters of motherhood with my own strength.  

Without the cross, patience is impossible.  

Without the cross, self sacrifice is impossible.  

Without the cross, bearing fruit is impossible.  


Without the hope and victory set before me, I would have long given up. How wonderful is it that there is grace?  


How great though is the reward of watching little ones grow in love, faith and family right before my eyes?  


This weekend we will celebrate and remember the price that was paid for the gifts we have received. Everyday I am reminded of this in the eyes of my children and the love they share.



How deep the Father’s love for us,
How vast beyond all measure,
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss –
The Father turns His face away,
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory.


Ashlee-Brooke-Photography_1267Ashlee-Brooke-Photography_1303Thankfulness abounds every day, but this Easter I am thankful that we have a Savior who has walked through the hardest, most difficult places in this life and because of that we can too, rejoicing in all that we are and all that we have received.



Behold the man upon a cross, My sin upon His shoulders;

Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice Call out among the scoffers.

It was my sin that held Him there Until it was accomplished;

His dying breath has brought me life – I know that it is finished. 



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I will not boast in anything,
No gifts, no power, no wisdom;
But I will boast in Jesus Christ,
His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer;
But this I know with all my heart –
His wounds have paid my ransom.


These Three.  

ashlee tollett 30a photographer


Welcome to my blog where I love to showcase my latest work.  As an artist and portrait historian, my goal is that each session depicts the warmth, love and light reflected in my subjects.  All sessions take place in natural light, whether it's the golden hour over the gulf or the soft glow of an early dawn, its my personal goal to find each client the best and most ideal conditions for their photographs.

email | ashlee@abrookephotography.com

ashlee brooke photography 30a photographer

Natural light 30a photographer