“And even though you want to, just try to never grow up.” – Peter Pan – I confess. I have a really, really soft spot in my heart for little boys with blond hair and blue eyes. I happen to have one myself, and I’m not sure if there is anything cuter than a towhead running around on a summer’s day, chasing frogs, skipping rocks and swinging. Think Dennis the Menace, and I’m sure an iconic picture of boyhood soon fills your mind and memories. A lone prairie tree coupled with a teepee at sunset signified this union of brotherhood. Between the laughter and lull of the summer crickets, Solomon and Silas let summertime grace them with the wonder and adventure that only boyhood gives. Many years lay ahead of time spent together, skipping rocks on rivers edge and catching frogs on rainy days. This gift of childhood is fleeting, but need it every really leave? I pray not.