Theo Newborn Session

On the night you were born, the moon shone with such wonder, that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, “Life will never be the same.”
Because there had never been anyone like you…
Ever in the world.” 

“A woman is a conductor, who leads the orchestra of her surroundings in the songs and music of her life…It was a profound realization when I understood that I could become an artist with my very life.” Sally Clarkson
Spending time with this new mama and watching her love so deeply the two little ones she adores was precious last Saturday morning. I listened to her sing lullabies to her sweet Theo and still make time for her Bella. She is an artist, a masterful juggler of needs. Motherhood is a production of all things inspired and imaginative. Mothering creates a space of nurturing and safety; an expanse where artistry meets real life and in that space, little hearts and souls are shaped.

Is there anything more magical than those first few days and weeks of being home with a newborn baby?  Sweet baby Theo entered this world into a home that is so full of love, patience and gentleness. I have the privilege of knowing and loving the Schreiber family over the last two years and to see these little family of three become four, is such a blessing.  Thank you for asking me to capture these precious memories for you.  I can’t wait to watch and see how baby Theo grows in the months and years to come! 

ashlee tollett 30a photographer


Welcome to my blog where I love to showcase my latest work.  As an artist and portrait historian, my goal is that each session depicts the warmth, love and light reflected in my subjects.  All sessions take place in natural light, whether it's the golden hour over the gulf or the soft glow of an early dawn, its my personal goal to find each client the best and most ideal conditions for their photographs.

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ashlee brooke photography 30a photographer

Natural light 30a photographer